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Harry's Series Bundle!

$139.00 $254.83


17 books for $139!

(Retail Value of $254.83)

Discover what teachers and librarians are talking about! Purchase an entire library of Harry and Honey Moon books today!

Just add this 17-book bundle to your cart and you're good to go. This is a huge discount that we are offering for Harry Moon and Honey Moon fans only. Enjoy!

Bundle Includes:

From the Harry Moon Series:

Harry Moon’s Wand-Paper-Scissors (Series Origin book)
ISBN#:  9781943785599
Subject Matter/Theme: Bullying

In this origin story, Harry Moon is up to his eyeballs in magic. In the small town of Sleepy Hollow where every day is Halloween night, his archenemy, Titus Kligore, has eyes on winning the annual Scary Talent Show. Harry's sister, Honey Moon, says Harry needs better tricks so he finds a new and better magic wand. Still, Harry has a tough job ahead of him if he is going to steal the crown. He takes a chance on a magical rabbit who introduces him to the deep magic. Harry decides the best way forward is to "do no evil " while the battle to defeat Titus goes epic.


Harry Moon’s First Light
ISBN#: 9781943785278
Subject Matter/Theme: Responsibility
When Declan goes on vacation, Harry Moon takes over Declan’s paper route. For the first time, Harry is on his bicycle in Sleepy Hollow in early morning. Before the sun actually rises, Harry learns of a world he never knew existed. This is the special time known as “first light.” It is the light that peeks out from the sun before the sun truly rises. There, Harry finds the secret land where his magic teacher, Samson, is doing his most important and surprising work.


Harry Moon’s Spooky Socks

ISBN#:  9781943785346

Subject Matter/Theme:  Trust

IF YOU’VE EVER WONDERED what happens to socks that go missing in the dryer. Wonder no more. Harry Moon has discovered a dark secret and the answer to this ages old question. It seems a witch is using them to further her evil ambitions.


Harry Moon’s Harry’s Christmas Carol
ISBN#:  9781943785674
Subject Matter/Theme:  Putting others first/Charity
While everyone is singing cheerful Christmas carols, Harry Moon and the Good Mischief Team march to a different song—Don’t be Afraid of the Dark. With their swords of light, the team battles against the Fouling Curse threatening Harry’s magic teacher, Samson Dupree, and the Sleepy Hollow Magic Shoppe. As evil armies of toys rise up, Harry must leave the sword behind to find a more powerful means to take down the darkness threatening Sleepy Hollow’s entire world.


Harry Moon’s Not Your Birthday, Birthday

ISBN#:  9781943785483Subject Matter/Theme:  Greed

WHEN THE CIRCUS comes to Sleepy Hollow everyone is thrilled, especially Harry Moon. That is until Harry and his Good Mischief friends uncover something suspicious under Clive Cantaloni’s Big Top. Harry sets out to uncover the truth, but this time it’s not all about magic. Harry gets much needed help from the new kid, Jules Arthur lll who answers the call of duty, just like his military dad— Jules Arthur ll. With a little bit of magic and a lot of “special ops,” the gang snoop their way into the Big Top’s secret.


Harry Moon’s Run Harry, Run

ISBN#:  9781943785421

Subject Matter/Theme:  Mobile phone addiction

AFTER BEING INVITED to play a top-secret mobile game designed for magicians, Harry Moon finds himself on a scavenger hunt like no other. As he discovers new parts of Sleepy Hollow and a few other places he never knew existed, Harry learns a very dark secret that has been hiding under Sleepy Hollow. Will he let the secret ruin him or will he be able to stand his ground and keep the town safe?


Harry Moon’s Operation Big Top

ISBN#:  9781943785322

Subject Matter/Theme:  Helping your friends

WHEN THE CIRCUS COMES TO SLEEPY HOLLOW, everyone is thrilled, especially Harry Moon. That is until Harry and his Good Mischief friends uncover something suspicious under Clive Cantaloni’s Big Top. Harry sets out to uncover the truth, but this time it’s not all about magic. With a little bit of magic and a lot of “special ops,” the gang snoop their way into the Big Top’s secret.


Harry Moon’s Halloween Nightmares
ISBN#:  9781943785636
Subject Matter/Theme:  Using your gifts for good
While other kids are out trick-or-treating, eighth-grade magician Harry Moon is flying on a magic cloak named Impenetrable. Harry and Rabbit speed past severed hands, boiling cauldrons, and graveyard witching rituals on their way to unravel a decade-old curse at the annual Sleepy Hollow Halloween Bonfire. With “do no evil” his motto, Harry goes to battle with the sinister Mayor Kligore and Oink, a demon dog. Halloween night becomes the fight and nightmare of Harry Moon’s young life.


Harry Moon’s Snow Day

ISBN#:  9781943785414
Subject Matter/Theme:  Enjoying/Respect for Nature
Kligore’s Halloween alarm fails to awaken him so that he can cast his daily early morning spell over Sleepy Hollow. Harry and his friends awaken to three feet of freshly fallen snow as winter punches through Halloween for one wonderful moment. Sleepy Hollow Middle School’s very first SNOW DAY! The Good Mischief Team has a whole day to figure out what to do with a glorious, magnificent, juicy twenty-four hours, a gift courtesy of Mayor Maximus Kligore.


Harry Moon’s Haunted Pizza
ISBN#:  9781943785384
Subject Matter/Theme:  Perseverance/Respect for Parents & other Adults
The new Pizza Slice is doing booming business, but the kids in Sleepy Hollow Middle School are turning into strange creatures the more they eat of the haunted cheesy delicacy. Even the Good Mischief Team is falling under the spell of the new haunted pizza slices, putting Harry and his magic Rabbit on the scent to the truth behind the pepperoni mystery.


From the Honey Moon Series:

Honey Moon’s Shiver (Series Origin book)

ISBN#: 9781943785803
Subject Matter/Theme: Honesty/Forgiveness
Honey Moon is in a terrible pickle. She borrowed her mother's precious silver locket without permission and now the family heirloom has gone missing. Honey suspects it was taken by one of her best friends. She sets out to find the necklace before her mother notices it's gone. Along the way, Honey meets Shiver, who turns out to be much more than the owner of the newest popsicle shop in Sleepy Hollow. With Shiver's guidance and a bit of magic, Honey is able to track down the locket and learn the importance of telling the truth and the power of forgiveness.


Honey Moon’s Not Your Valentine
ISBN#: 9781943785766
Subject Matter/Theme: Friendship/Trust
A Sleepy Hollow Valentine's Day dance with a boy! NO WAY, NO HOW is 4th grader Honey Moon going to a scary sweetheart dance with that Noah kid. But, after being forced to dance together in PE class, word gets around that Honey likes Noah. Now, she has no choice but to stop Valentine's Day in its tracks. Things never go as planned and Honey winds up with the surprise of her Sleepy Hollow life.


Honey Moon’s Dog Daze
ISBN#:  9781943785193
Subject Matter/Theme: Responsibility
WANTING TO START A BUSINESS together to earn some spending money, Honey Moon and her friends have a magical idea. In the town where every day is Halloween night, Honey and friends start a dog-walking service called the Sleepy Hollow Howlers. But when the business becomes more than the girls can handle, dog-walking suddenly takes on a new leash and fur flies with disastrous and entertaining results. 


Honey Moon’s A Scary Little Christmas
ISBN#:  9781943785063
Subject Matter/Theme: Power of Convictions/Trust
Honey Moon has had it with the scary stuff at least for Christmas. She wants Sleepy Hollow to celebrate her favorite holiday like a normal town. When she learns about the scary celebration planned for the same day, Honey and her friends, Becky and Claire, have one chance to take the season back. But that means climbing a rickety old tower in the dark, solving a decade old mystery and ringing a few bells.


Honey Moon’s Double Trouble

ISBN#: 9781943785223

Subject Matter/Theme: Friendship

BELLA, CLARICE KLIGORE’S COUSIN, arrives for a visit. The thing
is, Bella and Clarice are identical. No one can tell them apart—not even Honey. Clarice wastes no time in using this to her bullying advantage. When Honey and the Mummy Mates spend the night in the supposedly haunted Poe mansion, Clarice and Bella cause some serious double trouble.


Honey Moon’s Shades & Shenanigans
ISBN#: 9781943785162
Subject Matter/Theme: Inclusion/Acceptance
When Honey comes face-to-face with Clarice Kligore and her Royal Shades she knows something must be done to keep this not very nice club from taking over Sleepy Hollow Elementary. Honey sets out to beat them at their own game by forming her own club, The Queen Bees. Instead of chasing the Shades off the playground for good, Honey learns that being the Queen Bee is more about the honey than the sting.


Honey Moon’s Mountain Mayhem
ISBN#: 9781943785186
Subject Matter/Theme: Power of Teamwork/Friendship
Hit the trail girls! It’s on to the Appalachian Trail. Honey and the Spooky Scouts set off on a mountain trek to earn their final Mummy Mates patch. But an inept troop leader, a flash flood and a campfire catastrophe threaten to keep them from reaching the Sleepy Hollow finish line in time. When all seems lost, Honey Moon takes charge and nothing will stop her from that final patch!


Honey Moon’s Sticky Situation

ISBN#: 9781943785209

Subject Matter/Theme: Kindness/Friendship

There's a new girl at school and she is sticking to Honey like a wad of gum on a sneaker. Honey likes making friends, but when she can’t shake the new girl, Honey goes from flattered to frustrated. Honey decides to help the new girl figure out her own place at school, but as usual in Sleepy Hallow, not everything goes as planned.

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